Urban Heat Island on The Baghdad Airport Street Are Decrees 16% Due To Asphalt Concrete and Street Trees


  • Anwar Dhafer Anwar Boom Construction Company (BCC) in Doha, Qatar
  • Sakti Adji Adisasmita
  • Muhammad Isran Ramli Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Wihardi Tjaronge Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia




Urban heat island, Asphalt concrete, street trees, Baghdad airport street


The Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon that affects many millions of people worldwide, Especially in Iraq, this phenomenon intensified after the Western invasion of the State of Iraq, which was more concentrated in its capital, Baghdad, This increase in temperature is caused by the reflection of heat from the surface of the asphalt concrete, which negatively affected people's health and lives, This rise is caused by the movement of vehicles and machinery used in industry, and also from the reflection of the surface temperature of asphalt concrete, Especially in this article, we talked about the resulting reflection of asphalt concrete, This is what led us to the fact that increased urbanization is the cause of urban heat islands, UHI effect It also leads to increased energy needs which further contribute to the heating of our urban landscape, and Associated environmental and public health consequences, Roads and surfaces that reflect heat, In this research, we made a practical experiment on the Baghdad airport street after It was paved with asphalt concrete and trees were planted on it, Asphalt Concrete is one of the most popular types used in paving and roads, which helps reduce UHI, Densely graded AC has low albedo and high volumetric heat capacity, which results in surface temperatures reaching upwards of 60°C on hot summer days, Cooling the surface of asphalt concrete by cold mixing is one solution that helps reduce thermal reflections, Therefore, we conducted a study on the Baghdad Airport road, along one kilometer, in which cold asphalt was used and the road was planted to reduce surface reflections and mitigate heat islands on this road, Which resulted in a significant decrease in temperature equivalent between – 3.000 to 5.000oC of the natural temperature before paving it with cold asphalt and street trees.




How to Cite

Dhafer Anwar, A., Adji Adisasmita, S., Isran Ramli, M., & Wihardi Tjaronge, M. (2022). Urban Heat Island on The Baghdad Airport Street Are Decrees 16% Due To Asphalt Concrete and Street Trees. PROCEEDING OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SMART AND GREEN INNOVATION, 1(1), 38–42. https://doi.org/10.36277/icasgi.v1i1.8