Community-Based Conservation Effort In Totango River Post Dam Development


  • Amiruddin Miradj Department, University, Address, City, ZIP Code, Country



Water Resources Management, Watershed Management, Conservation of water resources


The role of the community in maintaining biodiversity, especially in the environment or in areas such as protected forests, conservation, national parks, etc. plays a vital role. As with development, human activities in general will directly or indirectly disturb natural ecosystems. And when the disturbed ecosystem is an area that has a particular role and function, the priority of protection must be reinforced. Community involvement is not only in the maintenance function but also in monitoring and usage. To prevent damage to biodiversity and help the government maintain protected ecosystem areas, the community is empowered through several methods. In this study, an analysis of conservation efforts using the community-based natural resource management approach was conducted on the watersheds of the Aketajawa Lolobata National Park area. The data was collected through bibliographic studies, observations and interviews directly in the field. The findings indicate that locals in the surroundings of Aketajawa Lolobata National Park already have ecological knowledge and awareness. The community aims to achieve better outcomes with this watershed resource in order to promote well-being and continue to pay attention to and expand the carrying capacity of the environment. This shows that the natural resource management efforts were successful and that the community is capable of managing the natural resources in a participative and self-sufficient way




How to Cite

Miradj, A. (2022). Community-Based Conservation Effort In Totango River Post Dam Development. PROCEEDING OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SMART AND GREEN INNOVATION, 1(1), 22–27.